I saw my first orb in my first flat, over 30 years ago. Huge, teardrop-shaped, and the most beautiful colour of turquoise blue, it hovered in the air in my bathroom for a few seconds, before disappearing with a loud pop, which I heard. It was astonishing to me at the time. It felt as though it was waiting for me to notice it before it disappeared. I knew nothing about such things, and when I told a psychic friend about this, she said orbs are spirits.

I’ve seen orbs ever since – usually bright blue and flashing nearby; small, with no discernible shape. Nothing as big as the first one, though. I had some strange psychic experiences in all three of my flats, especially the first, and I’m seeing lots of stuff in my current house, too; the first incident occurring after I came in from work one dark evening and drew our bedroom blinds – and watched, reflected in the window, a tall, stooped man walk slowly across the room behind me and disappear into the wall. I’ve no idea who he was, and haven’t seen him since. 

I don’t know why I only started to see these things once I had my own home(s), but I do know that some members of my family had psychic experiences of their own over the years, plus I was told by a psychic many years ago that my spiritual side would develop as I grew older, and it certainly has – to the point where I’m told I could become a Medium myself and that my spirit guides are waiting to work with me. Well, they’ll have to amuse themselves a while longer – I’m not quite ready for them just yet. 

My partner and I have been attending local spiritualist churches for many years, finding a healing, supportive and friendly atmosphere in most, and have listened to life-changing and life-saving messages for others, as well as receiving a fair few of our own. There are plenty of tears and much laughter, lots of daft evidence and many heart-breaking personal tales, with absolutely no Hammer House Of Horror special effects, as so many seem to imagine. Nor are we “possessed” in any way. Would we really be likely to keep going if we were?! We are comforted to know that our loved ones in spirit are still around, and also to know that we will meet up with them again when it’s our turn. Of course, as we’re all getting older, so we are bound to start knowing more people in spirit than are still here with us. I certainly do!

We’ve also both had private readings from psychics, which were spot-on. For myself, the two I remember most vividly were a lady sitting at a table outside a market at the Guildhall in St Ives, Cornwall, and a Voodoo Princess in the Voodoo Museum in New Orleans. Both were able to give me the most extraordinary evidence, despite never having met me before (I was on holiday in both cases) and neither of them asked me my name, or wanted to know anything about me, first. The predictions they gave me turned out to be absolutely accurate, as well.

The nicest orbs I’ve seen appeared between my mother’s death and her funeral, earlier this year. We have an exposed brick wall downstairs and, as I sat down to watch telly one evening (my partner was out; he says he doesn’t see any of the things I see in our house, in any case), a string of beautiful blue stars shimmered and bobbed up and down on the brick wall. They were only there for a few seconds. I like to think it was my mother, but I don’t know for sure. Again, I felt they were waiting there for me to notice them. I wonder if they would have appeared if my partner had been with me, though? I would so love to see them again, whoever they were from.

In my mother’s nursing home, where she passed, a carer and nurse were relaxing and chatting in the residents’ lounge late one night when a football-size and shape black orb shot out from one wall and disappeared into another at the far end of the room. It passed them both at great speed. The carer, who is psychic and runs a paranormal investigations group on social media, saw it but the nurse only felt the force of it, and asked: “What was that?” The carer said it had an angry energy – perhaps it hadn’t liked what they were chatting about?!

In that home, a resident who died there, a man, is often seen by both residents and carers alike. Given the nature of the place, I’m sure he can’t be the only one. I wonder if my mother saw him, as she used to mention people standing around her bed, but couldn’t always name them. Perhaps she herself is still there?

Author: Hampton Caught

The rants and ramblings of an avid reader and writer. Magazine journalist, consultant editor, competitions judge.

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